- Degrees from the American University in Dubai comply with global academic standards and are recognized in the UAE, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and other countries, ensuring students access to the global job market.
- Education in High-Demand Fields. Successful completion of programs in key fields such as business, engineering, architecture, information technology, marketing, and finance makes students competitive in the modern labor market.
- Global Career Prospects. A degree from American University in Dubai opens doors to an international career, offering recognition and opportunities worldwide, along with access to a vast network of global employers and partner organizations.
American University in Dubai (AUD) issues diplomas that meet international academic standards and are recognized in the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and other countries. These diplomas confirm the successful completion of educational programs in such fields as business, engineering, architecture, art and design, communications, information technology, and others.
AUD diplomas are highly valued due to the high quality of education, which is focused on developing practical skills and deep understanding of theory. The university actively collaborates with international companies and organizations, which provides students with unique opportunities for internships and employment. AUD graduates can successfully develop their careers both in the UAE and at the international level.